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Commonly Use Git Command

Setting Up

user and email configuration

git config --global user.name "Fitri Rahim"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"

initialize git repo

git init

cache credentials

git config --global credential.helper cache

Adding and Removing File

add single file

git add thefilename.log

add all file inside of current dir

git add .

remove file from tracked, wildcards accepted

git rm thedirname/thefiletoremove

remove file from git index, use carefully

git rm -r --cache filename/orfolder 

After the file/folder remove, add it to untracked list .gitignore else it will be added back once when running git add command. This is useful in case of miscommit file containing sensitive information such password or large file which not accepted by online repository.

Staging and Commit

status of the current repo

git status

commit changes with short message short

git commit -m "what changes have you made? write here"

show differences

git diff

discard changes made to the files

git checkout filenametorestore

discard all the changes made

git checkout

reset file to the last commit - unstaged

git reset HEAD thefiletorevert

reset all files to the last commit -unstaged

git reset HEAD

reset working dir to the last commit - discard all changes

git reset --hard HEAD

git checkout is like switching to different version (like switching user concept in Linux), but git reset is discard by moving to another commit completely (like logout and login as new user concept in Linux). Only use git reset for unstage, for revert better options use git revert.

show differences after git add

git diff --staged

show differences for single file

git diff filenametodiff

open default editor to add multiple line to commit history

git commit

change git commit message

git commit --amend -m "new message to replace the last comm
it message"```

### add file to the last commit
git add fileforgettentoadd
git commit --amend --no-edit

backdated commit

git commit --allow-empty --date="Sat Nov 14 14:00 2015 +0100"-m '2 Dec commit'

Log and History

simple log with details commit message

git log -p

draw history to show commit log

git log --graph --oneline --decorate

draw history to show commit log for all branches

git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all

view particular commit

git show thecommitrevnumberhere

revert to previous commit by create new commit on top of latest commit

git revert HEAD

revert to specifc version of the commit

git revert thegithashversioncommit

Branching and Merging

create new branch

git branch thenewbranchname

create new branch and change to it

git checkout -b thenewbranch

list all the branches

git branch

list all including remote

git branch -a

delete branch

git branch -d existingbranchtodelete

delete remote branch

git push origin --delete remotebranchtodelete

merging another branch into current checkin branch

git merge existingbranch

merge and commit

git merge --no--ff exisitingbranch

abort merge if conflicted

git merge --abort

or can use git reset to abort

git reset

Remote Repository

adding remote repository

git remote add origin gettheurlfromgithub

show all remote repository

git remote -v

get specific remote repo info

git remote show nameoftheremoterepo

push changes to remote repository

git push remoterepositoryname branchname

pull changes from remote repository

git pull remoterepositoryname branchname

merge remote with local repository

git merge remoterepositoryname

push branch to remote repo

git push -u origin thebranchtopush

combine branch to the current branch including the commits

git rebase thebranchnametocombinewith

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